Aquatic Plant Management
In the summer of 2012, the Sanitary District decided to stop the herbicide treatments for curlyleaf pondweed. Between the District nd the Lake Assn, we were spending over $15,000 per year with mixed results. We began researching other options and came upon the possibility of harvesting the CLP instead of more chemicals in the lake. We resurrected some members of our aquatic plant mangement committee and some new members as well. Following is our Plant Management Timeline:
What has been completed:
- Study estimating harvest phosphorus reduction
- Review of Aquatic Plant Management Plan by commitee
- Changes completed on Plan based upon committee review
- Plan submitted to Wisconsin DNR for review
- Comments received from Wisconsin DNR
- Plan updated based on Wisconsin DNR
What’s next?
- Continue to research harvesting related items
- Conduct full lake aquatic plant survey (June/July 2014)
- Plan updated using new aquatic plant survey results (Fall 2014)
- Plan update completed including all harvesting info (Winter 2014/15)
- Implement plan (Spring/Summer 2015)
Click Here to view Bear Trap and Lake Wapogasset PI Survey Analysis 2020
Click Here to view the Lake Wapogasset-Bear Trap Lake APMP-2015
Click Here to view the Lake Wapogasset Wild Rice-2021
Click Here to view the Lake Wapogasset-Bear Trap Lake 2021 CLP Evaluation